One the activities we do every week is to label pictures of the material we are learning. Sometimes we label by hand so they can practice handwriting and review their material all at once. 🙂 Other times we like to cut and paste. I always have both options available so they can pick, or I can pick, [Read On]
Weather Fronts Self-Check Worksheet
As we are studying the weather fronts, I wanted to created a worksheet that would help my kids practice and review the vocabulary for weather fronts. This worksheet provides them with a self-check option. As they point to the weather symbol, they can open the flap and check if they identified it correctly. My kids [Read On]
Weather Fronts Cards
We have been studying the weather and the four types of weather fronts. I created these cards to go with this study unit. I wanted my kids to understand what the four types of weather fronts look like so I included a picture on each card. I also wanted them to learn the symbols that [Read On]
Canadian Waters
For Geography, this week we are studying Canadian Waters. I made two maps to help the kids locate each body of water and learn the names. The first one shows all the locations and names. The second one, has empty boxes for them to label them correctly. My kids like cutting and pasting, so I [Read On]
Circles of Latitude Interactive Sheet
We love creating hands-on materials to help the kids learn their material as they “play” and have fun. This sheet is just that. We put it together and then got to play silly games as we reviewed and sang songs. I highly recommend that you print [Read On]
Circles of Latitude Cards and Body Motions
Here’s a set of picture cards I created to provide a visual to my kids while learning the circles of latitude. They love holding the cards, setting them up on the floor and rearranging them. Sometimes I print the set twice so we can play memory (that’s what we did this week). We also play [Read On]
Circles of Latitude Craft
We had fun making this little craft as we were studying the circles of latitude. This is how we did it: First, the kids just colored the picture of the Earth. Then, they cut out and glued the labels on each circle. Last, we used [Read On]
Five Circles of Latitude Worksheet
I have created a worksheet to help my kids learn the five circles of latitude. I have included options for both younger students and older ones. The younger students always enjoy cutting and pasting, so that’s what I did. For the older students, they usually like writing the names on their own, so I included [Read On]
For Geography, this week we will be studying Canada. I have made a couple of maps to use with the kids. I made the maps using the mapping feature on the National Geographic website. Have you tried it? It is amazing!!! You can choose which area of the world you want to make a map [Read On]
Linking Verbs
During the following four weeks we will be studying Linking Verbs. I have made a “chain” for the kids to practice their verbs. I plan on giving them one segment at a time, so each week they get to glue another segment to the chain and watch it grow. It creates anticipation, and they just [Read On]