The Land of Counterpane – Poetry

Another beautiful and sweet poem this week!  We are working on memorizing The Land of Counterpane by Robert Louis Stevenson.  I love the pictures in the book “A Child’s Garden of Verses”.  I love how the picture describes the entire poem. What do you think?


I made a video to go with the poem. I usually play the videos during breakfast and sometimes lunch too. I either set up the iPad on the stand or grab the laptop and hit play. This really works for our family. It only takes a few minutes of our meal time to watch the videos a couple of times and it reinforces the material we are memorizing. Try it and let me know if it worked out for you too!  🙂  Here’s the video for The Land of Counterpane…

You will be able to download the file with a few resources to help your child memorize the poem.  In the file you will find the poem with pictures to illustrate it, as well as a sheet with just the pictures.

land of counterpane blog shot

Another resource are the picture cards to go with each stanza and coloring sheets for the kids that enjoy coloring.

Screen Shot 2013-11-17 at 7.46.04 PM

That’s all for now. 🙂 Blessings to you and your family!

Click below to download the file

—> Land of Counterpane <—


  1. Diane Coombs says

    Does anyone know where I can purchase the Land of Counterpane poetry book with the above illustration (paper hat on the boy’s head)? Any information will be greatly appreciated. Thank you

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