La Comunidad – The City

In the next couple of weeks, we will be learning basic vocabulary in Spanish for the city (our community). Here’s the video to help you with the vocabulary and pronunciation.

I made a couple of sheets to go with the video and topic. I always like to make a sheet that has all the vocabulary in one page, that way I can post it on the wall in our school room and we can review it everyday.

Screen Shot 2015-01-09 at 2.48.16 PM You will also find a sheet to illustrate each word.

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The last one is a review sheet. Students will look at the picture and circle the correct words.

Screen Shot 2015-01-09 at 2.48.37 PMRemember to ask your child to watch the video at least twice a week in order to help him/her retain the new vocabulary.

—> La Comunidad <—

Have a blessed week,

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