Months of the Year in Spanish

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Spanish is part of our daily routine in our school day.  We practice days of the week, months of the year, counting, colors, among other topics. I encourage you to start including Spanish into your daily routine. Learning another language stimulates the brain and kids love learning another language.

I have displayed several visual aids to help the kids read and remember the vocabulary.  Months of the year is one of those topics.  I have the blessing to have a lot of wall space, so I printed the months of the year labels and displayed them.



If you don’t have the space to display the labels, I have made a single sheet that has all the months of the year. It would take up less space, or you could put it into a calendar binder to go over it everyday.

meses del ano poster copy

We use this song to practice the months of the year in Spanish. The tune is easy to learn and this way you can practice your pronunciation too.

Click below to download one or both files. I hope you consider including Spanish into your school routine. I will be posting more helpful tips and videos you can use with your child at home to begin learning Spanish.  🙂

—>  Months of the year labels  <—

—> Months of the Year Poster <—


  1. Joy Armstrong says

    I love your website! We include Spanish into our daily routine as well, so these cards are great! Thank you!

  2. Hi from Spain Grismar!!
    I’m a homeschool mom who follow your blog 🙂 so if you need help with spanish, you can ask me.

    A big hug

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