Five Circles of Latitude Game

Whenever the weather is nice and I can come up with an activity to be outside, I am all for it!  This week the weather has been very nice, so we found an excuse to go outside and practice our Science content.

We are learning the Five Circles of Latitude.  I had some sidewalk chalk in the schoolroom, so we headed outside. I drew an outline of the Earth and drew the five lines representing the circles of latitude (the drawing is NOT to scale… excuse my drawing skills… not my strong side)  🙂

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Here’s a video showing what we did.  I am planning on doing this with the little ones I teach on Thursdays.  Hopefully the weather will cooperate.

Do you have any fun games to play with your kids?  I would love hear all the creative ideas you have come up with  🙂


  1. Heather Munoz says

    where can I find the video for the circles of latitude?

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