Poetry – There Once Was a Puffin

The next poem we will be memorizing is a really fun one. It tells a little story about a Puffin. Here’s the video to go with it:

I have made a few sheets to go with it. The first one is the poem typed up with illustrations.

There Once Was a Puffin Shot 1

The second one is a sheet with just the illustrations. I use this one once the kids have mastered most of the poem. The pictures help them recall the words.

There Once Was a Puffin Shot 2

I also made some coloring sheets because my kids like coloring and I love to use those while I am reading History to them 🙂

There Once Was a Puffin Shot 3

Another resource I always make are the picture cards to go with the poem. I have my kids sort them by number first (each number represents the stanzas), then they work together or individually by putting the cards in order as they review the poem. This is usually the last thing I have the kids do, since it requires them to recall the entire poem as they put the cards in order. I did not put the cards in the file below due to the size of the file, but if you are interested in the cards I am more than happy to e-mail them to you. Just send me note and I’ll send them your way. 🙂

There Once Was a Puffin Shot 4

Hope you guys have a wonderful week!

Click below to download the file

There Once Was a Puffin

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