Poetry – At the Seaside

Here’s our first poem!  Like I explained in the previous post, I will have a video for each poem so your child can watch it over and over until they have memorized it.

Here’s the video …


I have also made a few sheets to help you and your child memorize the poem.  The first one is the written poem with pictures that go with each stanza.  I made a color version and a black and white version for coloring.

at the sea side copy2

As your child is getting close to memorizing the poem, you can move on to the sheet with just pictures. This way they can point as they recite the poem, and the pictures will help him recall the words. You will find a color version and a black and white version for coloring.

at the sea side pictures copy2

Hope you guys start using poetry in your school day. It is amazing to watch my children recite such beautiful pieces of writing!

Click below to download the file

—> At the Seaside <—


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