Weather Fronts Body Movements

I guess my brain never stops working, even when I am asleep.  On Saturday night I had a dream that the kids and I were reviewing the weather fronts and we were using colorful ribbons to represent the weather fronts. I kid you not… when I woke up I thought to myself: That is a cool idea! I gotta try it!   So I went to the craft store and bought a yard of ribbon for each kid (37 cents a yard! can’t beat that!).

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The kids ended up LOVING it! It really worked well. Thank you Lord, for giving me ideas even when I am asleep. It all comes from Him!  🙂

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In case you don’t want to use the ribbons, we came up with hand motions to use as we review the weather fronts.  Here’s the video:

Have you come up with any crazy ideas?  I would love to hear the silly things moms do for their kids to help them learn their material  🙂

Have a blessed day!



  1. Jessica H. says

    Love it! I have actually loved your blog so much I created a special “wise nest”binder with sheet protectors placing all your print-outs in them for projects to do from your blog. I’m saving them in this binder for the next time we do Cycle 1 with them again and for the littler one who will join us in school in a couple years. Thank you for sharing your ingenuity and creativity with us lesser creative home-schooling moms ;o) With four kids (one of them being really little), sometimes creative ideas from home-schooling blogs seem too involved or overwhelming. I love how yours are simply done with your print-outs and “do-able”with what we have at home or easily found and cheap at craft stores. Your less elaborate approach has even inspired me to do a couple of creative things on my own for a couple of the Cycle memory work sections (math laws, using left-over flannel sheets for the atmosphere game and using them for ocean zones, etc.) and the kids love them. Thanks again and please continue! God Bless….

    • Thank you so much for your kind words! You are very encouraging!
      I am glad you have been able to use some of the ideas and materials. That is my desire and purpose for this blog.
      Feel free to make any suggestions or send any ideas. 🙂
      Have a wonderful and blessed day!
      Grismar @ The Wise Nest

  2. Grismar, this is awesome!!! How would you feel about my class (I am a CC Tutor) using this during our closing ceremony? Your website rocks and thank you so much for sharing your great ideas!!

  3. I love this site! It has given me some great ideas for our homeschool co-op. I hope I can continue to get on the site and utilize the ideas, and hopefully post some myself 😉

  4. Love it! Thanks!

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