Earth’s Atmosphere

This week we have been studying the atmosphere. I created a little project for my kids to help them visualize the Earth’s atmosphere.

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We read the information about each layer and then stacked the circles to build the atmosphere. This project really helped them remember what we were studying.  I hope this helps your kids too!

Here’s a video showing the final project and explaining how to put it together.

Click below to download the file.

Atmosphere Layers Project


  1. My boys really really enjoyed this activity today! Thank you so much for sharing!!

  2. This is a fantastic activity!! You could definitely sell this! 🙂

  3. LOVE LOVE LOVE! It’s great to have something for notes that is so visual and is learning without writing! Thanks

  4. Amber Erazo says

    Thank you so much for sharing! We have just started to make interactive notebooks for most of our subjects and this was so cool to have!!!

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